J Lab Med 2005;29(1):63,2005 by Walter de Gruyter - Berlin - New York. DOI 10.1 515/JLM.2005.009

Leserbrief zu/Letter to the Editor on

E. Valentine-Thon, H.-W. Schiwara: Validierung des MELISA-
Tests zum Nachweis einer Metallüberempfindlichkeit. J Lab.Med 2004;28:525-533

As developer and patent owner of the MELISA Test, i feel obliged to correct an error in an advertisement which appeared on page 533 of the December issue of LaboratoriumsMedizin. The advertisement claims that the Medizinisches Labor Bremen ist the "Referenzlabor für MELISA - Testungen...... This is not true. The validation of MELISA for metal sensitivity was initiated in the former Laboratory Dr. Schiwara, now Medizinisches Labor Bremen, by Dr. E. Valentine-Thon. Since 2002, the validation is continuously being updated by Dr. E. Valentine-Thon as Head of the MELISA(LTT) Center at the Laboratory Dr. M. Sandkamp, B. Köster, and Dr. R. Hiller, in Bremen. The extensive research and development of MELISA as a diagnostic tool for Borreliosis (Lyme Disease) has been accomplished in this laboratory as well (J Lab Med 2004;28:174).

I kindly ask you to inform your readers about this fact.

Prof. V. Stejskal
ELISAR Medical Foundation
August-Wahlstromsweg 10
18231 Danderyd
