
Your comprehension is absolutely correct!

M. Kiehl,

We are interested to receive a copy of your lecture concerning Pt emissions, if possible.

For a good comprehension : Can I summarize the conclusions of your scientific work as follows : the usage of Pt-katalysts for both gasoline and diesel engines should not be encouraged ?

Kind regards,

S. Cornet

Dear Mr Cornet,

may I answer your questions in a short way:

In the moment I am preparing a lecture (for some conferences) concerning your questions - you may get a copy of it...as soon as possible....

Meanwhile you may get further files out of my homepage
www.rki-i.com ,

Angeblich Krebsgefahr durch Katalysatoren plus Kommentar und
Metallpartikel verstärken Asthma plus Kommentar
Leserbrief zu Dieselruß/Filter, etc......
Katalysator verantwortlich für Ozonloch (Asthma, Genetische Schäden,
It`s`snowing platinum
Atopy/Cotact Dermatitis/Asthma: Metal Ions/Cd; Hg; Ni, Pt. (Prag)

It is very well known - since quite a while - that platinum induces allergic reactions, proliferations,....just look at the "literature" given under my articles....(one of it is a well known book for students: Toxikologie). Pt dust is as old as the Emissions of PM10 - or even older....

It needs no new studies for well known facts: It is more save to abandon katalytic converters as to keep theme....

Yours sincerely

Reinhold Kiehl
Saliterweg 1
D-93437 Furth im Wald
www.rki-i.com, kiehl@rki-i.com

Dear Professor Kiehl,

I read your information on the internet concerning your findings about (the causes of) multifactor diseases of allergic, respiration or astmatic nature:

You mentioned, as one of the causes of aforementioned diseases, the sensibilization of the human biological system by means of changes in ecosystem, industrialization and emission of fine dust a.o. heavy metals.

As one of the emission causes was mentioned Platina from katalysts from KFZ, but also micro partikels from Diesel engines (PM10).

We are evaluating measures encouraging the use of katalysts for public transport ( busses ).

There seem to be a lot of advantages, alike reduction of PM10 emissions and less inconvenients (very small increase in fuel consumption).

However, above information from your hand, makes us ask some further questions.

1. To which extent is it scientifically established that Platina katalysts, and Pt dust in more general, may cause allergical diseases ?

2. Did these studies make a trade off between the effects less emissions of PM10 and new emission of Pt dust ?

3. Should an additional study be recommended before introducing large scale filter technology on national or EU-level ?

Many thanks in advance !

S. Cornet
Federal Public Service Health
DG Environment
tel. : + 32 2 210 4972
