----- Original Message -----
From: The White House
To: kiehl@rki-i.com
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 2:03 PM
Subject: Weekly Address: Recovering and Rebuilding after the Storm
The White House Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekly Address: Recovering and Rebuilding after the Storm

In this week’s address, President Obama thanks the brave first responders and National Guardsmen for their tireless work following one of the worst storms in our nation’s history, and reassures the millions of Americans affected by Hurricane Sandy that their country will be there for them during the long road to recovery.

Watch President Obama's weekly address.

President Obama delivers the Weekly Address

In Case You Missed It

Here's the week in review of the federal response to Hurricane Sandy:

Sunday: President Obama traveled to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters in Washington D.C. to meet with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate, FEMA Deputy Administrator Richard Serino, and the FEMA regional directors, to ensure federal resources were pre-positioned and plans were in place to support state and local response efforts.

Monday: The President convened a meeting in the White House Situation Room, and received updates from FEMA and the National Hurricane Center on the ongoing response to Hurricane Sandy. Following the briefing, the President urged residents in the path of Hurricane Sandy to follow the directions of their state and local officials.

Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Tuesday: Tuesday morning, the President and other officials met in the White House Situation Room to receive updates on the impact of Hurricane Sandy. Federal response teams had already started providing assistance to those affected by the storm. And overnight, at the request of the governors, the President approved major disaster declaration for New Jersey and New York, making additional federal support for state and local efforts available.

Tuesday afternoon, the President traveled to the U.S. Red Cross headquarters in Washington D.C. to provide updates on federal efforts to assist with the recovery and cleanup of Hurricane Sandy. He made clear that there was no excuse for inaction, and for federal agencies to do what is necessary to get people the help they need as quickly as possible:

There are places like Newark, New Jersey, for example, where you’ve got 80, 90 percent of the people without power. We can't have a situation where that lasts for days on end. And so my instructions to the federal agency has been, do not figure out why we can't do something; I want you to figure out how we do something. I want you to cut through red tape. I want you to cut through bureaucracy. There’s no excuse for inaction at this point. I want every agency to lean forward and to make sure that we are getting the resources where they need -- where they're needed as quickly as possible.
Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Wednesday: The President toured New Jersey to witness first-hand the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, and comfort the Americans affected by the storm. The President and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie surveyed the damage from Marine One, then walked the streets of Brigantine, and visited a community center now serving as shelter for displaced citizens. He reminded the American people of our remarkable ability to come together as a country when we go through tough times, and the importance of never leaving anybody behind:
And when you see folks like that respond with strength and resilience, when you see neighbors helping neighbors, then you're reminded about what America is all about. We go through tough times, but we bounce back. And the reason we bounce back is because we look out for one another and we don’t leave anybody behind. And so my commitment to the people on this block, the people in this community, and the people of this state is that that same spirit will carry over all the way through until our work is done.
Watch the President’s full remarks here.

Recovery and Cleanup: Recovery and cleanup in the wake of Hurricane Sandy has now started along much of the East Coast. As survivors of the storm begin to deal with the aftermath of the giant storm, people across the country are asking what they can do to offer aid to their fellow Americans, and the federal government remains committed to providing all available resources to support affected areas, as directed by President Obama.

We've put together this page to help you find the information you're looking for, whether you want to get help, or get involved in the recovery process.
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----- Original Message -----
From: Let's Move!
To: kiehl@rki-i.com
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 10:26 PM
Subject: Take PHA's New Innovation Challenge
 Let's Move this week

November 2, 2012


On March 7, 2013, the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA)--a non-profit organization that works with the private sector and its honorary chairwoman First Lady Michelle Obama to solve the nation’s childhood obesity crisis--will bring together more than 1,000 leaders from public, private and non-profit organizations, all committed to solving the childhood obesity crisis in America. Find out more.

First Lady Michelle Obama talks with students during a Let’s Move! event at New Hampshire Estates Elementary School in Silver Spring, Md., May 19, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)


On October 22nd the Presidential Youth Fitness Program hosted a webinar to talk about their program, which not only helps kids get active, but empowers and inspires them to stay active. Watch the webinar to learn how you can make the most of their amazing program: presidentialyouthfitnessprogram.org/professional-development

Inspired and want more great tips? Don't worry! They have more webinars coming up throughout the next few months.


Encourage your child to get involved in a recreational sport, like soccer, swimming, or basketball. As the number of sports in the 2012 Summer Olympics show, there are so many different sports to try. Help your child find a sport they enjoy so they can be active while learning teamwork, making new friends, and having a blast.

Eat Healthy Tip of the Week

Butternut squash is now in season! That means it's tastier and more affordable now than at other times of the year. Try adding butternut squash to stews or soups or cube and roast it for a delicious side dish. Bonus: Butternut squash is an excellent source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.


Joshua's Heart
Read this story of an extraordinary eleven-year-old who became the youngest recipient ever of the White House Champions of Change Award for feeding nutritious meals to his community.

Reed Alexander's Healthy Recipes
Are your kids fans of iCarly? Get them excited about whole grains with fun recipes from iCarly star Reed Alexander. He shares some of his best recipes to help you include more whole grains into family favorites like Belgian waffles and turkey meatballs.

Watch: Preschool Teacher Claudia Mendoza Teaches Kids Healthy Habits
Healthy habits start early. Watch how one preschool teacher teaches kids about eating nutritious foods and being active and find out other easy ways to teach little ones about a healthy lifestyle.

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The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

---- Original Message -----
From: Falun Dafa Informationszentrum
To: kiehl@rki-i.com
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2012 10:09 PM
Subject: Pressemitteilung - Hochbrisantes neues Video zeigt Details über Massentötungen für die Organtransplantations-Industrie in China


Feedback: www.faluninfo.de/kontakt.html



Hochbrisantes neues Video zeigt Details über Massentötungen für die Organtransplantations-Industrie in China

Ärzte und unabhängige Sachverständige fordern ein Ende der Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit

Berlin / New York (FDI) – Ein neues Online-Video enthüllt wie chinesische Militärkrankenhäuser in den vergangenen zehn Jahren ein Multi-Millionen-Dollar Geschäft mit illegalem Menschenhandel betrieben haben, bei dem chinesische Bürger für den Verkauf ihrer Organe ermordet werden (Video deutsch). Die in dem Video zitierten Experten schätzen, dass Zehntausende Gewissensgefangene, meist Falun Gong-Praktizierende, dabei getötet wurden.

Ein neues Video zeigt Einzelheiten über Massentötungen im Multi-Millionen-Dollar-Geschäft der Organtransplantations-Industrie

Der namhafte kanadische Menschenrechtsanwalt David Matas nannte einen derartigen Missbrauch „eine neue Form des Bösen auf diesem Planeten". Dr. Gabriel Danovitch, ein führender Chirurg im Bereich Transplantation an der Universität von Kalifornien in Los Angeles, bezeichnet solche Praktiken als „abscheulich" und ein „Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit", das aufhören muss.

Das Video wurde von dem in New York ansässigen Fernsehsender New Tang Dynasty Television (ntdtv.org) produziert. Fast unmittelbar nach seiner Veröffentlichung, bezeichnete Eamonn Fingleton, Mitarbeiter des amerikanischen Finanz- und Business-Magazins „Forbes“, es als eines von zwei China-Videos, das sich die US-Präsidentschaftskandidaten unbedingt anschauen müssen (Bericht).

Die Verbindung zu Bo Xilai

Der bevorstehende politische Generationswechsels in der Kommunistischen Partei und der Gerichtsprozess des ehemaligen Parteichefs von Chongqing, Bo Xilai machen das Thema „Organentnahme“ besonders relevant, da Bo und sein Stellvertreter Wang Lijun offenkundig in den Organtransplantations-Missbrauch verwickelt sind (siehe Fakten/eng.).

„Trotz der sich häufenden Beweise für diese Verbrechen, haben die Mainstream-Medien weitgehend zu diesem Thema geschwiegen, aber wie dieses Video zeigt, schlagen glaubwürdige Stimmen aus der Medizin und der Politik Alarm, weil in China schreckliche Dinge passieren, die nicht länger ignoriert werden dürfen", sagt Levi Browde, Leiter des Falun Dafa-Informationszentrums in New York.

„Diese Verbrechen sind nicht nur das Problem der Chinesen. Sie zerren an der grundlegenden Substanz unserer Menschlichkeit", sagt Browde. „Schlimmer noch, in einer grenzüberschreitenden Industrie wie der Organtransplantation, machen sich Menschen weltweit - ob sie nun Patienten, Ärzte oder Pharmafirmen sind - unwissentlich oder nicht, mitschuldig. Wir können nicht einfach wegsehen."


  • Video: Massentötungen in China für die Organtransplantationsindustrie
  • Petition, die ein Ende des Organraubs an Gefangenen in China fordert und weitere unabhängige Untersuchungen verlangt
  • Factsheet des Falun Dafa-Informationszentrums zum Organraub, sowie die Verbindung zu Bo Xilai und Wang Lijun

Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an:
Falun Dafa Informationszentrum Deutschland
Lärchenweg 18 a, 69517 Gorxheimertal
Waltraud Ng Tel.: 06201-15672, Mobil: 0173-3135532
Internet: www.faluninfo.de; E-Mail: pm@falun-info.de

Falun Dafa, auch Falun Gong genannt, ist eine traditionelle buddhistische Kultivierungsschule, die ursprünglich aus China stammt und in mehr als 100 Staaten der Welt praktiziert wird. Neben den körperlichen Übungen wird besonderer Wert auf ein Leben nach den Prinzipien von Wahrhaftigkeit, Barmherzigkeit und Nachsicht gelegt, die seit Tausenden von Jahren in der chinesischen Kultur verwurzelt sind.

Seit dem 20. Juli 1999 unterliegt Falun Dafa in China einer irrationalen Verfolgung, die durch den ehemaligen Staatspräsidenten Jiang Zemin initiiert wurde. Hunderttausende wurden seit dem Juli 1999 festgenommen, über 100.000 Praktizierende, möglicherweise aber wesentlich mehr, zu häufig jahrelangem Arbeitslager verurteilt, in der Regel ohne ordentliches Gerichtsverfahren. Die Verfolgung in China umfasst alle Lebensbereiche: sie führt zum Verlust von Arbeitsplatz und Wohnung, schließt Schüler und Studenten von der Ausbildung aus, zwingt Frauen zur Abtreibung und Ehepaare zur Scheidung. Dem Falun Dafa Informationszentrum liegen bis heute Informationen von über 3.599 Todesfällen vor, zu denen es durch Folter in Polizeistationen und Arbeitslagern kam. Die Dunkelziffer dürfte um ein Vielfaches höher liegen.


----- Original Message -----
From: Let's Move!
To: kiehl@rki-i.com
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2012 6:14 PM
Subject: What's New with Let's Move!

You are a subscriber of the Let's Move! blog. Check out the latest updates:

Joshua's Heart
11/01/2012 01:00 PM EDT

Posted by:
Kate Strangfeld

At eleven years old, Joshua Williams became the youngest recipient ever of the White House Champions of Change Award. Since he was five years old, Joshua has been passionate about feeding others, and through persistence and the help of family members, has been able to accomplish his dream of helping others. He started Joshua’s Heart Foundation to help end food insecurity in his community.

Every week, Joshua’s Heart Foundation distributes food to about 50 families. They also support a backpack program, where they offer food to children for times when they are not in school. Joshua tries to educate others, both within his local community and nationally, about hunger, and what they can do to help.

(Photo credit: Joshua's Heart Foundation)

While Joshua’s first priority is to end hunger, he also stresses the importance of healthy eating. The foundation frequently receives discounted or free foods from their local Whole Foods grocery store, and has paired with the grocery chain to teach people how to cook healthy foods and to distribute healthy recipes. By offering cooking classes, the foundation shows families how to prepare the foods they receive in a healthy way.

Joshua is an inspiration to us all and shows that no matter what your age, you can impact your community and help others. Not only has Joshua been able to help feed families in need, he has also inspired other kids in his community to get involved. In fact, Joshua’s Heart Foundation’s senior advisory board is mostly made up of kids, with only a few adults to help.

One of the main goals of the First Lady and Let’s Move! is to increase access to proper nutrition. More than 23 million Americans—including 6.5 million children—live in “food deserts," which are low-income urban and rural neighborhoods that are more than a mile away from a supermarket. Both within and outside of government, individuals across the country have made efforts to increase their community’s access to healthful foods.

Learn more about food deserts and increasing access by checking out the Food Desert Locator. You can start addressing these issues in your own community by starting a community or school garden, and get involved in other Let's Move! programs.

Keeping Halloween Fun & Healthy
10/31/2012 03:15 PM EDT

Posted by:
Kate Strangfeld

Halloween can be for the whole family, but most of the treats collected as kids trick or treat aren’t exactly the healthiest choices. Although a few pieces of candy are fine, one study by the University of Alabama-Birmingham estimates that the average kid may accumulate 3,500 to 7,000 calories worth of treats on Halloween night. Forget needing a scary costume -- those numbers are frightening in themselves!

Children from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia schools participate in Halloween festivities at the North Portico of the White House, Oct. 31, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

It is possible to make Halloween fun for kids, without going overboard on the sweets:

1. Fill up before you head out: Give your kids a healthy meal before they go trick-or-treating. They’ll be less likely to eat all the sweets they collect throughout the evening.

2. Hand out healthier alternatives to candy: Offer trick-or-treaters fun, hand-sized fruit (like clementines or mini apples) and trail mix. Tie a ribbon around the treats to make them look festive and fun.

3. Instead of food, offer trick or treaters cool toys: Stickers and glow sticks are always popular, and this year you can even give out coupons for the computer game Plants vs. Zombies—the American Dental Association is offering the coupons for free as part of their Stop Zombie Mouth campaign. Many kids will enjoy these toys just as much as a candy bar, plus they’ll last longer.

4. Add some physical activity to the night: Encourage your children to walk from house to house instead of driving them. Start up a friendly competition to see who can get to the most houses and walk the farthest.

5. Teach your kids moderation: Let them enjoy a few pieces of candy, but not all of it. Put the rest out of sight so your children are not constantly reminded that it's there.

Watch: Preschool Teacher Claudia Mendoza Teaches Kids Healthy Habits
10/30/2012 11:17 AM EDT

Posted by:
Elizabeth Rhodes, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Giving young kids the best start to life is not just about teaching them the ABCs but helping them learn healthy habits, too. Check out how one teacher gets the young learners in her in-home preschool healthy at an early age:

CDC Video Player.  Flash Player 9 is required.
CDC Video Player.
Flash Player 9 is required.

Activities like yoga and eating healthy snacks are great habits for little ones while they’re in child care and also at home.

Ready to teach young kids in your life healthy habits? Check out five ideas from Let’s Move! Child Care to get you started, below.

5 Ways to Teach Healthy Habits

  1. Let children participate in preparing food: When kids have a hand in helping to make their own meals and snacks, they’re more likely to try and eat new, nutritious foods. Give them special jobs like stirring and adding ingredients. They’ll feel helpful and proud of what they created.
  2. Eat “family-style” and let even your young children choose: Place healthy options on the table within children’s reach and use kid-sized containers and serving utensils. Let kids serve themselves and pick which foods they want, how much, and even whether to eat at all.
  3. Be a healthy role model: Eat with your little ones and let them see you choosing and enjoying healthy foods. When they see you eating healthy, they might eat healthy too.
  4. Opt for water instead of sugary drinks: Sugary drinks like soda are high in calories and low in nutrients. Water keeps kids hydrated best and can be fun to drink (try adding berries or orange slices).
  5. Fit in fitness: Instead of thinking of physical activity as a separate activity, try to weave spurts of movement into your everyday routine. Have children act out a story as you read it to them. While you’re cooking, put on some of your favorite music and encourage kids to dance.

To find more ways to help your preschooler eat well, be active, and be healthy, visit ChooseMyPlate.gov.

Helping children learn healthy habits early, through child care and early education programs, is critical to solving the problem of childhood obesity within a generation. Let's Move! Child Care is a voluntary initiative to empower child care and early education providers to meet 5 goals: increasing physical activity, reducing screen time, improving food choices, providing healthy beverages, and supporting breastfeeding.


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From: OTTI e.V.
To: kiehl@rki-i.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 2:38 PM
Subject: Internationaler Konkress Bauhaus.Solar - Eine Partnerschaft die verbindet
OTTI: Training - Seminare - Tagungen
31. Oktober 2012

Das OTTI als langjähriger Partner des Internationalen Kongresses Bauhaus.SOLAR informiert!

Seit dem Jahr 2008 fördert der Internationale Kongress Bauhaus.SOLAR den fachübergreifenden Dialog von Architekten, Planern, Bauingenieuren, Technikern, Designern und Vertretern der Solar-, Immobilien- und Finanzwirtschaft, um wegweisende innovative Konzepte, Projekte und Forschungsergebnisse auf dem Gebiet regenerativer Energien, besonders der Solartechnik auszutauschen und weiter zu entwickeln.

Am 13.11. und 14.11.2012 ist der Internationale Kongress zum 5. Mal Plattform für den vielfältigen Austausch.

Special Topic 2012

Unter dem Special Topic 2012: „Energetische Sanierung von Wohngebieten und Stadtkernen“ sprechen und diskutieren Architekten, Bauherren, Denkmalpfleger, Stadtplaner, Hersteller und Anwälte mit dem Moderator des gesamten Kongresses, Andreas Ruby (Architekturkritiker und –theoretiker aus Berlin), zu zwei spannenden und hochaktuellen Themenkomplexen: „Solare Energie bei der Sanierung von Wohnsiedlungen“ und „Photovoltaik in historischen Stadtkernen“. Im Fokus steht dabei stets der ästhetische Einfluss energiebezogener Elemente auf Architektur und Stadtplanung. Weitere Informationen zum Kongress finden Sie hier.

Das Kongressprogramm wird von einer Fachausstellung abgerundet, welche die neuesten Trends und Möglichkeiten der solaren Architektur anschaulich darstellt.


Im Rahmen der Abendveranstaltung am 13.11.2012 findet bereits zum 3. Mal die feierliche Verleihung des Bauhaus.SOLAR AWARD statt. Der mit insgesamt 15.000 Euro dotierte Nachwuchspreis würdigt herausragende Architektur- und Designprojekte. Er richtet sich an Studierende aller europäischen Design- und Architekturstudienrichtungen sowie junge Gestalter und Architekten, deren Projekte, unter Einbeziehung der Photovoltaik, einen innovativen Umgang mit erneuerbaren Energien zeigen.

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Viola Janik viola.janik@otti.de

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